Bible Timeline

In the study of the Bible, dates stand out and you see:

  • How the story of the fall was communicated before the books of Moses
  • The lifespan of each central figure in early Bible chronology
  • The time relationship between the judges
  • The split of Judah and Israel and their kings and prophets.
  • The prophetic timelines

A "to scale" timeline from the first date given (the birth of Seth) through the end of earth's history. Ellen White, Uriah Smith & Stephen Haskell add additional details. The Bible verse(s) or reference for the date is noted.

The dimensions of the timeline are 17.5 ft. wide x 8 in. tall. Once you download it, open it in any application that you can use to view images & zoom in.

To Print, take this image to a printer that does BANNERS. They have the printers of size to handle 17.5 feet X 8 inches.

Scale: 1mm = 1year
Solid horizontal lines: actual years
Dashed horizontal lines: estimated years (no Biblical record given) or time not specified after the ending of date specific prophecies.