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An interesting and instructive work upon the “Process of Law,†“Christianity and the Common Law,†“Individual Right of Religious Belief,†“The Divine Right of Dissent,†etc., in review of Judge Hammond’s decision in the King case. By A. T. Jones. 120 pages. Price 15 cts.
A lucid and vivid portrayal of recent persecutions in Tennessee, written by the editor of the Arena. 16 pages. Price 2 cts,
A timely document upon the origin of Church and State union with the arguments and excuses for Sunday laws, laws exempting Church property from taxation, laws against blasphemy, religious tests, etc., all well considered. By James T. Ringgold, of the Baltimore Bar. 60 pages. Price 10 cts.
Arguments in behalf of the rights of American citizens, presented by A. T. Jones in opposition to the Blair Sunday, rest Bill. A thorough catechism upon the subject of Church and State. 192 pages, Price 25 cts.
Their groundlessness and unconstitutionality exposed. By James T. Ringgold. 24 pages. Price 3 cts.
A Report of the Hearing on the Sunday Closing of the World’s Fair, before the House Committee on Columbian Exposition, Jan. 10-13. 1893. 128 pages. Price 15 cts.
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A review of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United Slates, declaring that “this is a Christian nation;” a powerful protest against the union of Church and State involved in this decision; also the subsequent act of Congress closing the World’s Fair on Sunday, and how it was secured. The work contains the text, in full, of this remarkable decision of the .U. S. Supreme Court. By A. T, Jones. Editor American Sentinel, New York City. 86 pages. Price 15 cts.
A lucid exposition of both the unconstitutionality and impracticability of connecting religion with Our public school educational system. 12 pages, Price 1 1/2 cts.
Is the Prohibition of Polygamy Religious Legislation? 20 pp. Price 2 1/2 cts.
Sabbath laws shown to be religious and only religious. 12 pages. Price 1 1/2 cts.
An address delivered by Alonzo T, Jones on Columbus Day, 1892. Revised to date. 44 pages. Price 5 1/2 cts.
from the standpoint of natural rights and divine obligation. 12 pages. Price 1 1/2 cts.
A study of the spiritual nature of the Sabbath and of what Sabbath-keeping really is, showing the impossibility of its enforcement by civil law. 40 pages. Price 5 cts.
Why Do Protestants Keep Sunday? A reprint of a series of articles which appeared recently in the Catholic Mirror, the official organ of the papacy in the United States, in which Protestants are sharply arraigned on account of the absurdity of their position with reference to the Sunday institution, with copious notes by A. T. Jones, editor of the American Sentinel. 40 pages. Price 5 cts.
A brief, historical, scriptural presentation of the Sabbath—the sign of loyalty to God—and Sunday—the sign of loyalty to the Roman Catholic Church. It should be translated into every language, and placed in the hands of every person on the earth.”—A. T. Jones, Editor American Sentinel. 12 pages. Price 1 1/2 cts.
A scriptural presentation of the principles upon which the proper relation of religion and the State is based, substantiated by facts of history. 80 pp. Price 10 cts.
A striking parallel between the time of Christ and our day, showing that as Christ was persecuted and even put to death for his faithfulness in keeping the Sabbath according to God’s idea, so in our day those who keep God’s Sabbath—the seventh day—are being and will continue to be persecuted for the same thing and for the same reasons. 40 pp. Price 5 cts.
This work by A. F. Ballenger, after stating clearly the fundamental principles of true Protestantism, shows by incontrovertible evidence that modern Protestantism has fallen away from these principles. 32 pages. Price 4 cts.
This pamphlet clearly shows the relation that should exist between Church and State, as deduced from the Scriptures and the evidence of past centuries. 182 pages. Price 25 cts.
A report to the committee of the House of Representatives, March 4 and 5, 1830, to whom had been submitted petition preventing the opening of post-offices and the carrying of mails on Sunday. 16 pages. Price 1 1/2 cts.
Every phase of Sunday in legislation, historically, morally, and constitutionally considered. 260 pp. Price 40c.
As viewed by Hon. G. Amyot, M. P. 12 pp. Price 1 1/2c.
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