American State Papers by W A Blakley

AMERICAN STATE PAPERS BEARING ON RELIGIOUS LEGISLATION. - W. A. Blakely. A most valuable work on the subject of religious legislation as considered in the United States, from the foundation of the government to the present time. In it is found a collection of rare and valuable documents on this subject, which have appeared at various times during our colonial and national history. Among these are memorials, petitions, and remonstrances; House and Senate Reports on Sunday Mails; documents on "The Sphere of Civil Government," "The Rights of the Jew," "Religion in the Public Schools," "Civil Laws against Blasphemy," "Christianity and the Common Law," "Sunday Legislation," etc., etc.; and the decisions of Supreme Courts on Sunday Laws and the Bible in the Public Schools. It also contains, in an appendix, the provisions in the Bills of Rights of all the States relating to the rights of conscience; and in addition to all this the Sunday laws, complete, of all the States and Territories. These last are corrected up to January, 1891. There are also running foot-notes all through the book, containing the comments and statements of eminent men.

See Also: J N Loughborough's "The Two-Horned Beast Of Rev. XIII" and J N Andrews "A Refutation Of The Claims Of Sunday Keeping" and W H Littlejohns "The Coming Conflict."

Two-Horned Beast
Page 24.7

   Matters are moving here similar to the way they moved in the formation of the Papal beast. In A. D., 321, laws were passed prohibiting labor in cities and towns; but in 538, when the Pope was made supreme head of all the churches, this law was made universal. We claim that then commenced the union of church and State. Here we already have several stringent State statutes, and in most of our incorporated cities laws as rigid. Read the following concerning the law of Texas."